
Ad Execution and Influencer Content


Ad Execution
Graphic Design
Typography and Hierarchy
Influencer Engagement

Software/Programs Used

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe XD
Google Drive
Google Sheets
Google Doc


October 2021 - February 2022

What is Mejuri?

Mejuri is a Toronto-based jewelry brand that sells a variety pieces made of precious metals without the typical price point found in jewelry stores.

What is my role/objective?

I was in charge of creating ads for their Black Friday and Holiday campaigns. I worked closely with the team to execute this and have my junior graphic designer help with the load. I was also hired as a freelancer to work on their Google and Pinterest ads. This ranged from something as small as 300x250 to 1000x1500.

What were some of the challenges I faced?

This was the first time I ever worked for a digital ad agency during Black Friday. I was warned about how busy things got, but I did not expect it to get this challenging. I took on the freelance job with an estimate of how much work I would have to complete on my own time. But as things kept piling up and revisions came through, it was difficult for me to not let my emotions get the best of me.

I also was training my junior at the time so that was a hurdle for me going into my senior role. So to watch her work as well as mine became tough for me as well. I do have to say after all of that, I think it made me a stronger designer. My output is twice as fast and I have a keen eye on elements that are not masked out properly or text being placed oddly.

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience working as a freelancer and a Senior Graphic Designer. It gave me the chance to shine and work out of my comfort zone.

Influencer Content

Aside from creating Pinterest and Google ads for Mejuri, I was also approached by the client to create posts for their Black Friday and Holiday campaign. I was given a total of two products and was able to take pictures of it as long as it matched Brand Guidelines.

Using Format